I've been through a lot these past few years and I accept the way I turned out; definitely different from how I was back then. But I can't help but want to go back. The nostalgia I feel every time I read old blog posts or browse through pictures from way back when, makes me want to cry. Every single time. What is it about those days that I love and miss so much?
I believe it's because back then, I lived. I lived life doing the things I love with the people I love. I skipped school, played around during exam months and didn't study for nuts. Honestly, I wasn't a bad kid even though I did those things. I just prioritized friends over studies. And life was good. Life was fun and lived how I wanted it to and I can honestly say, I look back with no regrets (even though all my exam results were terrible. Stay in school, kids. And do your homework).
What's life if you live it with no heart? Ten years from now, I want to look back and actually miss Perth and Uni the way I miss Kuching and Miri. It's never too late to start living while you're still breathing. And boy, do I want to start.
xoxo (are they still doing this on blogs? lol),
Grace :)