This linky love trail rules:-When you got tagged, you have to add your name to people who had done the tag and and let the list grow!
BabyshernFarah (me)
Bani gundu
Najmyhana ni mo naiLindoshSlebetcepoterh
Scarlet Kiss
My Award-Winning Drama
Simply Grace
First name- Grace
Nickname- Lisa, Twig, Skinny, Tambebeh, etc.
Name you wish you had- Hmm... never really thought about that.
What do people normally mistake your name as- Allysa/Allisa/Allysha.
Birthplace- Limbang General Hospital.
Time of birth- 10 at night, I think.
Single or taken- Single.
Zodiac sign- Cancer.
Your appearance:
How tall are you- 160+ cm.
Wish you were taller? - Nah.
Eye colour- Dark brown.
Eye colour you want- Green ;)
Natural hair colour- Brown-ish black?
Current hair colour- Brown-ish black with copper highlights.
Short or long hair? - Shoulder length.
Ever dye your hair a bizzare colour? - Nope.
Curly, straight, wavy- Um it's straight on the top but when it reaches my shoulders it curls up.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair- Form 2. Coloured it bright pink and orange. So neon 8D
Glasses or contacts- Contacts. Only wear specs at home.
Do you wear make up- Nope. Only eyeliner, lip gloss and mascara occasionally.
Ever had hair extensions?- Nope.
Paint your nails?- Used to.
In the opposite gender:
What colour eyes- Anything will do :)
What colour hair- Brunette.
Shy or outgoing?- Somewhere in the middle.
Looks or personality- More to personality.
Sexy or cute- Cute.
Serious or fun- Fun. Only serious when needed.
Older or younger than you- Older.
Broke someone's heart- I dunno. Hope not.
Wondered what's wrong with you? - I don't get this question.
Wish you were a prince/ princess- No.
Liked someone who's taken- Nope.
Shaved your head- No.
Been in Love- Probably.
Used chopsticks? - Yeah.
Sang in the mirror to yourself- I don't think so.
Flower - Roses. Deep red roses :)
Candy- Chocolates, I guess.
Song- Loads, but atm I guess 'Motion City Soundtrack- The Future Freaks Me Out'
Scent- I dunno.
Singer- Too many. I listen to any genre.
Word- Ha? :D
Junk food- I dunno.
Website- I dunno D:
Lotion- Um... none?
Animals- Really fat cats *hugs*
Ever cried over someone?- Yeah.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself? - Yeah. My weight lol.
Do you think you're attractive? - Honestly, no.
If you had to choose a fairytale for your life what would you choose? - Enchanted LAWL. How does she know~
Do you play any sports?- Badminton atm.
The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people.
- Still runs around the house like a kid. I just did, actually :P
- Likes eating whipped cream right from the can.
- Loves music :)
- A banana.
- Kurus kering.
- Thinks anything furry, pink and glittery should be burned.
- Loves simplicity.
- Is turning 18 this year?
(I don't tag people :) )